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Home loan insurance and its benefits

Home loan insurance also known as mortgage insurance is a policy designed to provide coverage against loan during uncertain times.

When you are investing in a house with the help of a home loan, do not forget to invest in home loan insurance as well.

It is a great way to secure your mortgage debt during uncertain situations.

Let’s understand the Benefits of home loan insurance.

1. Financial security for your loved ones:

In the unfortunate event of the borrower’s death or permanent disability, mortgage insurance provides a safety net for the family. The insurance coverage can help repay the outstanding debt, ensuring that the family does not face the burden of mortgage payments during a difficult time.

2. Protection Against Job Loss or Income Instability:

Certain home loan insurance policies also offer add-on coverage for involuntary job loss or income instability. If the borrower loses their job or faces a significant reduction in income, the insurance may cover a portion of the mortgage payments for a specific period, providing much-needed relief during a financial crisis.

3. Safeguard Against Critical Illness or Disability:

Home loan insurance can offer protection in cases of critical illnesses or disabilities that render the borrower unable to work and earn an income. The insurance may cover mortgage payments during the period of incapacity, ensuring that the borrower doesn’t lose their home due to health-related setbacks.

4. Peace of Mind:

Knowing that your loved ones won’t be burdened with the responsibility of repaying the home loan in the event of your demise or disability can provide peace of mind. It offers a sense of security and relief from the worry of leaving behind a financial obligation.

5. Preserving Your Family Home:

One of the main advantages of home loan insurance is that it helps preserve the family home. Without insurance, the lender might initiate foreclosure proceedings if the borrower is unable to meet the mortgage payments. Insurance ensures that the outstanding debt is covered, reducing the risk of losing the property.

6. Flexibility in Policy Customization:

Different insurance providers offer various policy options, allowing borrowers to choose coverage that aligns with their specific needs. Borrowers can often customise the coverage based on factors such as loan amount, term, and personal circumstances.

7. Ease of Premium Payment:

Home loan insurance premiums can be conveniently integrated into the borrower’s monthly mortgage payments. This makes it easier to manage and eliminates the need for separate premium payments.

8. Cost-Effective Option:

Compared to the potential financial consequences of unforeseen events, the premiums for home loan insurance are often relatively affordable. The benefits of having coverage can far outweigh the cost of the premiums.

A mortgage is a long-term financial commitment. Missing out on any EMI payment might lead to financial loss in terms of interest.

While opting for mortgage insurance, do good research on various coverages and plans available in the market. Opt according to your needs and budget.